Bob Eckstein

Bob Eckstein is an award-winning New York Times bestseller, Erma Bombeck Humorist of the Month, New Yorker cartoonist and NYU adjunct professor teaching cartoons. He was twice nominated Gag Cartoonist of the Year by the National Cartoonist Society. He has had over 3,000 cartoons published around the world, appearing in most every major publication including MAD magazine, Reader’s Digest, Playboy, National Lampoon, American Bystander and New York Times. His cartoons have been exhibited in the Cartoon Art Museum of San Francisco, Smithsonian Institute, The Cartoon Museum of London, and Sordoni Art Gallery at Wilkes University. He is also the Cartoon Editor at Princeton Architectural Press and Contributing Editor at Writer’s Digest and has written multiple books about cartoons including The Ultimate Cartoon by the World’s Greatest Cartoonists series.